Thursday, April 09, 2020

Spring Refresh

Back on the blog from a little hiatus. Lots has changed and not at the same time. Like many people this time at home has given me more time to focus on my side creative life. And locating and refreshing this blog has been on my list of to-dos for a while. And now is the perfect time to get back at it. Since launching my Etsy store, I've added a Spoonflower shop with a variety of designs for wallpaper and fabric, and now a consolidated Lamb Design Goods website to house all my various product and process info and links. I've been able to create these through baby steps throughout the last three years and longer. There are definitely days I don't feel creative especially now on quarantine. I have moments of feeling super productive and others where I rather just stare at the ceiling. But right now I am taking advantage of my more energetic moments to bust out a few tasks. I'm hoping that refreshing this blog will help me bring all these things together and help me stay inspired. Baby steps are sometimes just what we need to get us where we want to go.

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